Friday, March 06, 2009

You only miss it when its gone.

So I had a hernia in my belly button. No big deal to fix, except I am one of the people to have a side effect from the mesh and the result is that they fixed the mesh problem by removing it and the hernia by removing the bellybutton.
I never thought about my bellybutton. I don't particularly use it, except, as my brother pointed out, for storing lint. So removing it did not seem like a big deal. Right.
Surgery wasn't fun. The site hurts but is healing well. But everytime I look in the mirror, my stomach looks weird and I feel like an alien in a bad science fiction movie. You know, the one where the only way to tell the alien from the people is by the lack of a bellybutton.

Its just weird. I think I miss my bellybutton...

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